Help Center
Welcome to the Accordemy® OET Help Center! We’re here to support you every step of the way as you prepare for your OET exam.
If you encounter any problems or technical issues while using our platform, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Our dedicated support team is ready to assist you with anything from troubleshooting technical difficulties to answering your questions about our services.
How to Reach Us
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Before submitting a ticket, be sure to check out our FAQ section for answers to common questions. Many issues can be resolved quickly by reviewing these helpful resources.
Submit a Support Ticket
The fastest way to get help is by filling out our support form below. Once you submit the form, our system will create a support ticket for you. You will receive an email confirmation with a unique ticket number, and our team will respond to your query as soon as possible.
- Contact Us Directly
For urgent matters, you can also reach out to our support team via:- Email at
- WhatsApp: +1 (281) 854-8562
What You’ll Need to Provide
To help us resolve your issue quickly, please include the following details in your support ticket:
- If you have a subscription, please contact us from the registered email ONLY. We can’t accept alternative email addresses for a user account.
- A description of the issue or question.
- The device and browser you’re using.
- Any relevant screenshots or error messages (if applicable).
Our Commitment to You
At Accordemy®, we prioritize your success. Whether it’s resolving a technical issue or clarifying a question about our services, we’re dedicated to ensuring your experience with us is smooth and hassle-free.
Thank you for choosing Accordemy® for your OET preparation!